IOS Apps

MonoGranulator - a simple granular synthesis for live electronics
- AUv3 Audio Units Fx
- Audiobus 3 and Inter-App Audio Filter
- Waveform
- Density and Duration
- Control Pitch
- FM and AM apply in every grain
- Resonant Filter
- Sound Source Localization, Reverb
Monogranulator - Standalone Version
MonoGranulator AUv3 Audio Units - Live Electronics example performed in apeMatrix (Audio Unit Host)
Special Thanks to: Alessandro Petrolati - apeSoft
Victor Lazzarini and Steven Yi for Csound for IOS
Esoteric Synth

Esoteric Synth is a unusual generator of synthetic sound events. The synthesis is based on 5 oscillators which are intersected through an multiple amplitude modulation and multiple frequency modulation making an high sound variability
The sound events can be controlled in two ways:
EventMode (High Duration and Low Density)
GrainMode (Low Duration and High Density)
This App is suitable to generate complex sound textures, glitches,noises, sound clouds, sound drones, point sounds and more.
Simple Birds
Simple Sound Texture
apeMatrix Test
Special Thanks to: Alessandro Petrolati - apeSoft
Victor Lazzarini and Steven Yi for Csound for IOS

Delayrium is a MultiDelay Audio Units PlugIn in parallel approach. It is based on 6 delay line with controls in Time, Time Modulation, Feedback, Panning Modulation and Amplitude Modulation. It can be use as classic delay or sperimental mode for sound design and more. Delayrium contains 2 Audio Unit Plugin: Mono and Stereo mode.
- AUv3 Audio Unit Effect (apeMatrix, AUM, Cubasis, Nano Studio…)
- 6 Delay Line
- Time Control (time and bpm)
- Time Modulation
- Panning
- Panning Modulation (time and bpm)
- Amplitude Modulation
- Preset System
Test Delayrium in apeMatrix
Special Thanks to: Alessandro Petrolati - apeSoft
Victor Lazzarini and Steven Yi for Csound for IOS

RealDelayrium is a MultiDelay Audio Units PlugIn in parallel approach. It is based on 6 delay line with controls in Time, Feedback, Reson Filter, Frequency Modulation, LowPass, HighPass and Air Filter. It can be use as classic delay or sperimental mode for sound design and more. RealDelayrium contains 2 Audio Unit Plugin: Mono and Stereo mode.
- AUv3 Audio Unit Effect (apeMatrix, AUM, Cubasis, Nano Studio…)
- 6 Delay Line
- Distance control and Delay Time
- Reson Filter
- Frequency Modulation of the Reson Filter
- LowPass and HighPass Filter
- Air Filter
- Preset System
Test RealDelayrium in apeMatrix
RealDelayrium ver 1.1 TUTORIAL
Special Thanks to: Alessandro Petrolati - apeSoft
Victor Lazzarini and Steven Yi for Csound for IOS

Dystopia is an experimental distortion for sound transfiguration, it is composed of 7 AUv3 plugins:
1 - DyStort is composed of an input low pass filter, distortion type selector, Dist which acts as a quantity of distortion and a output lowpass filter.
2 -DySine consists of a sine wave oscillator as driver, controlled by a LowPass filter of the input signal to be transfigured, Gain IN which acts as driver activator, Frequency controls the oscillator frequency, Gain OUT controls the level of distortion and a lowpass filter at the output resulting signal.
3 -DyFM is composed of a driver formed by a frequency modulated sinosuidal oscillator controlled by a lowpass filter applied to the input signal to be transfigured, GainIN acting as driver activator, FreqDev / FreqMod / Frequency are the parameters of the frequency modulation, GainOUT which controls the level of distortion and a lowpass filter at the output of the resulting signal.
4 -DySelf is a distortion that uses the same input signal as driver, it is controlled by an input lowpass filter, driver mix between SELF and INVERSE, GainOut that controls the amount of distortion and a output lowpass filter.
5 - DyGauss has as driver a Gaussian noise generator controlled by a lowpass filter at the input of the signal to be transfigured, a lowpass filter applied to the generator, a potentiometer for selecting the operation of the driver (Gauss / Inverse), a GainOut that controls the amount of distortion and a output lowpass filter.
6 - DyNoise is composed of a driver formed by a sine wave oscillator in which the frequency is randomly controlled between a min and a max value, a GainOut that controls the amount of distortion and a output lowpass filter.
All plugins have input and output controls with relative meter in RMS or dBFS mode and a second stage with a BandPass filter.
7 - DyStopia is an AudioUnit plugin that contains all the other plugins with the addition of a waterfall matrix in which we can divert the signals of the different distortions.
Dystopia AUv3 TUTORIAL in apeMatrix
Special Thanks to: Alessandro Petrolati - apeSoft
Victor Lazzarini and Steven Yi for Csound for IOS

MoDelayrium is a Audio Units Plugin Suite and it is composed by 4 auv3: ChoriumUnus, DoppleriumUnus, ReverbiumUnus, and TremuloriumUnus.
ChoriumUnus is a chorus/flanger effects with 3 voices and controls of stereo space, low-pass and high-pass filter. DoppleriumUnus is a strange doppler effect with controls of time, distance, feeedback, airfilter, stereo width, low-pass and high-pass filter. ReverbiumUnus is a reverb effect in wich we have a pre-delay and post-delay with controls of feedback and depth. TremuloriumUnus is a tremolo effect with 6 voices and controls of rate, stereo width, rate resize, low-pass and high-pass filter.
Test MoDelayrium Plugin Suite in ApeMatrix
Special Thanks to: Alessandro Petrolati - apeSoft
Victor Lazzarini and Steven Yi for Csound for IOS

MolochVox is a Pitch Shifter and Frequency Shifter consisting of 5 Auv3 plugins: MolochVox One, MolochVox Two, MolochVox Three, MolochVox Four, MolochVox Five. In the 5 MolochVox we find Pitch Shift and Frequency Shift controls, harmonic series, inverse harmonic series and geometric series. We can freeze and we can cross fade in Linear Interpolation, Crossing and Morphing modes.
Test MolochVox in ApeMatrix
Special Thanks to: Alessandro Petrolati - apeSoft
Victor Lazzarini and Steven Yi for Csound for IOS